A washer is an essential laundry
appliance and depending on the style and amount of fabric care features, this
home appliance can require a substantial investment. Because a major appliance
such as a washer has a long expected lifecycle, you should ensure that your new washing machine not only meets your current needs, but will be sufficient for the long term.
Types of Washers
Given the range of models, styles and
sizes of washers, there are many things to consider when shopping for a washer
to ensure this laundry appliance will be adequate for your family's needs.
Costs and installation requirements are also of prime importance with this buying
decision. If you're considering a high efficiency washer, expect a
learning curve; this type of washer departs from the traditional and familiar
way of doing laundry.
Once you've confirmed the type of
washer installation possible in your home, your first decision is deciding on a
type of washer. There are mainly five types of washers: Front
loading, top loading, portable, combination washer/dryer and wringer
But there are many variations
including size, capacity, portability, stackable or stand alone options.
Washing operation can be very different with some types of washers and this may
affect your washer buying decision. Learn how different these washers are
and review their pros and cons.
Front Loading High-Efficiency (HE) Washer
Energy saver; low water use; gentle on clothes; enhanced fabric care features;
no agitator
Higher priced; needs HE detergent; longer wash cycles; special washer care; new
washing style
Top Loading High-Efficiency (HE) Washer
Energy saver; low water use; gentle on clothes; enhanced fabric care features;
no agitator
Higher priced; needs HE detergent; longer wash cycles; special washer care; new
washing style
Top Loading Washer (Traditional)
Lower price range; familiar operation with agitator; choice of water levels;
shorter cycles
Uses more energy and water than HE models
Compact Portable Washer
Mobile with temporary faucet hook-up; easy to store; economical; best for small
Small capacity; limited fabric care features; limited cycles
Stacked Washer Dryer Unit
Space saving style - dryer is on top of the washer in one tall unit
Units cannot be separated when one needs repair or replacement; tall unit
Washer Dryer Combo Unit
One appliance for both functions saves space; ease of installation; best for
RV's, condos
Small capacity; limited cycles and features; pricey
Wringer Washer
Portable; choice of water levels, temperature and length of cycle; economical
Requires monitoring; manual operation; time consuming and labor intensive;
difficult to store
Important Washer Features
Traditional agitator-style top
loading washers have fewer washing cycles and features, shorter wash times and
generally deliver a clean wash. Front-load models have shown better
performance, are gentler on clothes (no agitator), but washing cycles are
usually much longer. They are also quieter than regular top-loaders, making
them ideal if located close to the main part of the home. These features will vary
depending on the type of washer and are the most important:
vary from 2 - 7 cu. ft. Choose an appropriate capacity.
least 3 wash cycles: Long, timed or short and permanent press (low spin)
of spin: Regular, low
of water temperature for washing and rinsing (cold is a must)
than one water level (traditional top loading washer) or the ability to do
small, mid and large size loads
softener and bleach dispenser
washer feet
Bells and Whistles
While some features may be considered
essential to some homeowners, others may never use these frills. As
features will influence the price of your new washer, choose them carefully to
ensure you're not paying for frills you'll never use. That being said,
you may not use steam with every wash load, but when you need it, it's there.
sensor - reheats the water to maintain the proper temperature
level sensor
steel wash tub - rust-resistant, gentler on clothes
rinse cycle
or handwash cycle
only cycle
and spin cycle
Energy Efficiency - A Must to Save Money
Front-load high-efficiency washers
lead the pack when it comes to saving electricity and water, but all washers
generally have better energy ratings than they used to. For best energy
efficiency, buy an Energy Star rated washing machine and when you're choosing
between models, take a few minutes to compare the estimated energy use as shown
on the Energy Guide labels. The CEE Tier is also an important rating when
it comes to choosing a low energy washer. If you struggle with the idea of the
higher expense for an HE front-load washer, you can still save energy with a
traditional top load washer.
What Not to Buy
A high-efficiency (HE) washer
requires lots of care to keep it operating properly but it also requires
preventative maintenance steps to avoid mold and mildew problems. If
you're not prepared to give this type of washer the care needed, this style of
washing machine may not be a good choice for your home.Colored appliances may
look great in the showroom but once in the home, may not look as
delightful. Colors can also date appliances. If you're the type
that tires quickly of color schemes, buying a brightly-colored appliance may
not be wise; choose instead a neutral finish or color.
Avoid capacities that do not meet
your washing needs, unless you're prepared to wash smaller loads more
often. Some homeowners prefer an extra large capacity washer, which enables
them to combine some small loads, to save laundry time and energy. Choose
washer capacity carefully.
Along with capacity considerations
comes the need to choose a size of washer that will easily fit into your
laundry area. Avoid oversize machines if a smaller washer and dryer with
stacking option, would more readily fit that space. Measure the laundry
area and ensure there is adequate space for the size of washer and dryer you
want, along with proper clearances for door swing, before buying.
6. Price
Ranges and Compare Prices
Traditional top loading washers
though not as energy efficient as HE models, are the most economical to buy
when it comes to an installed washing machine. HE washers with the steam
feature are the most expensive. Prices range from around $500 to $2000 a
washer. Compact portable washers though not suitable for every home, are
the cheapest to buy.
When comparing prices of washers,
keep in mind that certain set-up costs for delivery, set-up and plumbing
hook-up may be required to get your new washer ready to use. And depending on
your purchase cost, you may also want to consider buying an extended service
contract for your new washer. If you're replacing a washer, you may need
to look at appliance disposal or donation options.While you're shopping for a
washer, this may be a good time to consider buying a companion dryer for your
washer. Consumers can often find good price deals for a matched laundry
appliance pair.
Washer Reviews
Along with comparing washer prices,
you should read washer reviews. Some consumers will include important
care and use tips in their appliance reviews, along with information on
durability, reliability and washer performance. This information is valuable to
those shopping for a washer.
Washer Care, Use and FAQ's
A washer requires a certain amount of
care and maintenance to keep it in good operating condition. But when it
comes to an HE washing machine, being proactive with maintenance is
essential. Learn how to use and care for your new washer and what
must-have accessories to get.
About Laundry and Detergents
When it comes to a high-efficiency
(HE) washing machine, using the right kind of laundry detergent is extremely
important. Learn about HE detergent, how to use it and where to find
it. Find tips on doing laundry, sorting and washing certain fabrics.